Thursday, 16 December 2010

In Praise of Councillor Height

After reading the praise heaped on Councillor Height by yet another anonymous admirer in the Shepton Journal and after reading of her many deeds over and above the call of duty and acts of outstanding courage in the face of adversity. I ask if the Journal could verify to all of its’ readership that the letter was not written by the good lady herself.

I have noted that an awful lot of anonymous people write in to praise the good Lady Councillor and so it appears quite strange.

What has the author of such praise got to hide in declaring their admiration for the esteemed Councillor? Surely the author would want to shout it from the rooftops that they have a leader.

This article reads like a party political piece. What she has promised, what she has delivered, how she can help, etc. Could it be by chance that Councillor Robinson has told her that she is stepping down from the District Council? Sorry to be so cynical. Does make you wonder if the writer was put up to it though!!

As a way of promoting oneself it was excellent. What a politicians dream. Full of facts, acts of derring-do and genuine girls own stuff. Er except for maybe the bit about the grit bins. I have a feeling that all is not quite as it was stated in the letter of last week.

Whilst I believe that Councillor Height was the lady who came up with the idea for the grit bins and for which she should be rightly praised, I understand her involvement was not as great as has been made out. This could in fact be a case, as the author put it of “piling in to claim the glory”.

Was it not Councillor Height who stormed out of the sub-committee meeting when the issue of the grit bins was being discussed because she could not get her own way? Did Councillor Height not object to the siting of five grit bins on Hillmead which were proposed? I believe Hillmead eventually got 1 or if you include Tipcote Hill and Gold Hill, 3.

Did Councillor Height actually do any of the spade work? No, not digging out the rock salt herself, but did she inspect the sites, did she deal with the co-ordinates of the bins? Did she liaise with the Town Clerk to ensure health and safety compliance? Could she state exactly what her input was in relation to the bins? In her own words please.

It was however, kind of the author who eulogised the exploits of Councillor Height to leave the readers with the wonderful visions of the said Councillor measuring the grit in the bins and of her washing down road signs. As for photographing the stub of a lamp post, that did it, I could not take any more and I just had to run a cold bath.

As I have said previously, normally letters in praise of Councillor Height are written by anonymous of Cowl St. What makes that little article so funny is that the person who wrote it, is the most un-anonymous person I know.

Anon, name and address supplied,
but really David Evans
Cowl St

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

How many more?

Miss Taylor

I have never doubted that you have a mind of your own, just that it is a mis-guided one. Forgive me if I am wrong, but I am sure that you mentioned 600 to 700 cars per day, not people. Surely 2 people per car equates to 1,200 to 1,400 per day, but for arguments sake, lets say a thousand people per day.

It therefore begs the question; where are the coach loads of shoppers for our High St that your father put such store by?

I must also thank you for your kind offer of a present at Christmas. I always thought that the Lockey family had a soft spot for me. I look forward to receiving a pen and paper set from you at Christmas and you never know, I might even use it to send you and your father a Christmas card.

J R Hartnell.

You may not work for Tesco or Dobbies but aren’t you another one of Councillor Lockey’s daughters? My Christmas card list is growing all the time. Any more to come out before final date for posting?

However, I must apologise for being negative as you state. You see my problem is that I see some of our Councillors continually putting the interests of their own party before that of the Town and you know what, it slightly peeves me.

I see and hear of Councillors denying people funds to help the High St and only decide to help when they are embarrassed into action. I see Councillors involved in politics for their own ends not those whom they are elected to represent. I see Councillors hanging on too long, no new ideas, nothing to offer except a familiar face.

I hear of Councillors making derogatory comments about people who live in Council houses and yet refuse to apologise to those whom they have caused offence. I hear of Councillors offering to give £20,000 to a Dance Academy without even bothering to ask the most obvious question: Why not go to the bank for the money? Doh. If you think that is doing a good job, that is your prerogative. Just as it is mine to criticise when I feel it is warranted.

These are some of the reasons why I feel negative, not about the town, but some of the people that run it. Never once have you heard me criticise the Town or its people, only the Politburo that run it.

And yes, unless convinced otherwise, I will put my name forward for election to the Town Council in May 2011 and three issues that I hope to deal with, (if elected) are restricting Councillors to two consecutive five year terms only with a minimum gap of ten years before they can stand again. Restricting the amount of money spent on Collett Park, when there are so many parts of the town which need money, far more urgently than the Councillors playground. And finally, making sure that every vote cast in the Council Chamber is recorded so that it is transparent and the people can see just who voted for what and when. Unlike now.

David Evans

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Councillor Lockey & Tesco.

Councillor Lockey, for someone who has been around as long as you have, your naivety astounds me. As for you rattling my cage, the phrase once used by former Labour Minister Denis Healey springs to mind when, after being criticised by former Chancellor Geoffrey Howe, he commented “that it was like being savaged by a dead sheep”. How apt.

The high profile companies that you alluded to in your letter and numerous previous letters, Wetherspoons and Peacocks would really have added a certain quality to our High St. Probably a quality that most do not want, and certainly not in the case of Wetherspoons.

Wetherspoons is a pub chain which sells beer at a pound a pint. It was rumoured a few years ago that it wanted to set up where the Revolution Gym now stands. So at 3pm when all the children of Waterloo Rd, St Paul’s and Whitstone are leaving school, the children would have had to run the gauntlet, past inebriated people swilling beer and behaving as only drunken people can. Is that really what our esteemed Councillor would want for our children or is it all part of growing up, learning to cope with drunks?

Do you not think that we have enough establishments like this on the High St already? Does the Councillor not think that we have enough drunken and lewd behaviour, most if not all fuelled by drink, and that actually, another Public House might not be too good an idea?

As for Peacocks, I am pretty sure that any interest that they registered in coming to the Town was soon quelled when they realised the Councillors that they would have had to deal with and what was expected of them.

You raise the issue of people objecting to these establishments. Correct me if I am wrong, and no doubt you will, but no attempts were even made by these companies to put any applications either before the planning or the Licensing boards. So Councillor, where were the objections?

It just goes to show, that as a Councillor who mourns the loss of these two great Companies to our High St, what little ambition you actually have for it.

In respect of the jobs created at the Townsend Retail Park; for your information, it is a well known fact that for every job created by Tesco, two jobs are lost through loss of shops, loss of suppliers, delivery men etc. But I get the feeling that this does not cause you too many sleepless nights.

I take it from your response that you consider the Townsend development a barn storming success. I believe even you Councillor, could run a successful shop if you had been given carte blanche to do what you want. I am told that you are a very good customer of both Tesco and Dobbies stores and you have to be admired and commended for supporting local businesses the way you do.

I do however find it quite amusing when I see Tesco staff, including management, shopping for meat and other items in Aldi. I wonder if it is anything to do with Tesco selling Halal meat without labelling it as such, (See Daily Mail of 25.09.10) or maybe they can see through the Tesco Marketing Department and its often bogus claims.

That aside Councillor, by your actions and those of some of your fellow craven Councillors, you have allowed Tesco to put itself into a position where you cannot say no. You dare not. You are afraid of them to the point of being subservient.

Time and again people have given Councillors the reason to refuse Tesco’s application with the High St and the impact of the Townsend development would have on it being top of the list. But that does not appear good enough. Town upon Town around the Country are trying to fight back Lots of them are at least trying to give Tesco a little bit of a bloody nose. You only seen bothered with powdering it.

I have often wondered over the last 5 years why Tesco bother to employ a Public Relations Department when you have done such a good job for them personally. I hope they pay you for all the good work that you do. Or at the very least, they could give you a special Clubcard to reward you for your efforts.

As for Dobbies, for which you campaigned so vociferously and almost singularly, it is not quite the shining beacon of hope that you portray it to be.

Maybe It has escaped your attention, but Dobbies appears to be doing rather badly, lots of 50% off’s, lots of empty car parking spaces, lots of empty promises. Hardly Cadbury Garden Centre is it. Oh and by the way, just where are the 100 full jobs and dedicated bus service that were promised and to which you set great store by?

I am afraid Councillor that Tesco and Dobbies, or should we just say Tesco, because they are really one and the same, have pulled the wool over your eyes big time and are continuing to do so. You are a pawn, a useful one for them at the moment, but a pawn nevertheless.

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Sheringham's Tricks

To show to people just how Councillors are manipulated, not just in Shepton Mallet, but other areas, click on the link below and it will give you some idea of just how far the pro-Tesco lobby will go in order to get their way.

Happy reading.

David Evans

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Tesco Application for a cafe

Below is the text of a letter I sent to the Shepton Journal on 06.07.10. Of the 1200 words, they chose to edit nearly 600 words. The full text is below. They obviously were not brave enough to print the whloe article. Typical local rag.

Let me know what you think.

Dave Evans

Shepton Mallet.


Now is the time for bluntness. Tesco are now applying to install a Café on the Townsend Retail Park and unless the people of the Town act NOW, it will be too late to save our High St.

Once again we have a situation where a planning decision is not worth the paper it is written on. Once again, it is Tesco, who want to change the conditions of a planning decision to work in its favour. Wouldn’t it be nice just for a change if they were told no.

Councillor Marvin is going around banging the drum and putting forward the idea that Tesco and the High St can survive alongside one another. If he really believes that, I hope he will apologise to every High St business that closes when this voracious predator finally gets its way and occupies the whole of the Retail Park. If he put as much work in attracting other businesses to the Town, i.e., those with proper jobs that don’t involve sitting down and sipping an expensive cup of froth, then he would have my full support.

The people of the Town now have to make a decision. We cannot leave it in the hands of our grubby Councillors, both Town and District who have their own agendas with Tesco and who will without any regret, force yet another unwanted and unnecessary development on this Town.

We have cafes coming out of our ears. We have Peppers, Mad Hatters, Chats, Denelas, Lisboa, The Shrubbery, Neptune’s and not forgetting the illegally built Costa Coffee.

So now that Costa Coffee has cleared the path for the Tesco Cafe in putting the Haskins Coffee Shop, Doras, Pickwicks and Viv’s Deli out of business, how they must fear for their own future, The Regional Director of Tesco must be licking his lips at the thought of wiping out his main competitor and replacing it with a brand spanking new Tesco Express. Oh the irony of it all.

Tesco has to justify the need for a new Café. We have already lost, Pickwicks, Doras, The Tea Shop at Haskins and Viv’s Delicatessen. Chats is up for sale. Tesco will have to show to the District Councillors the need for the Café.

This is called the sequential test. How the hell are Tesco going to explain the need for another Café when we have others closing down? Goodness knows how they will convince the planning board, but somehow, you get the feeling they will. Probably not by weight of argument though. Not to put it too crudely, more by weight of envelope.

No doubt they will put forward a water tight case. I could though, if asked, save them a lot of time, a lot of effort and a lot of money. Why not just mark your envelope TESCO and send it to the planning department and they can just rubber stamp it. No meetings, no free helicopter rides for our Councillors to enjoy, just send it in. Simple really. I could even save them the price of a stamp. Just ask one of our Councillors to drop it off for them.

History tells us what is going to happen. First, New Look are moved sideways and ultimately out. Then when their leases expire, it will be the turn of Pampered Pets, Laura Ashley, Argos and Boots. Hey presto, we have a MASSIVE superstore and the High St will be dead. Our Councillors will go around shaking their heads saying we did not expect that to happen or as is usual, it was not my fault. Like they fail to see so much else that is happening. I only hope the double club card points and BOGOFS are worth it.

Why does it take ordinary people of the Town to tell our Councillors what should be blatantly obvious, even to the most blind. Ask yourself this. If Tesco really are good for our Town and it really does have its interests at heart, why is it we are paying £1.20 per litre for petrol and yet at similar Tesco garages within 20 miles of Shepton, Tesco sell it for £1.12 per litre.

This is what Tesco really think of our Town and its people. They take the proverbial, and we continue to allow it to happen. I would never say to people, don’t shop in Tesco. I do when I have to. But try shopping there for the things you cannot get elsewhere.

You would be really surprised at what you can get in Aldi or Lidl and the quality is just the same, if not better for some items. Try Thorners in Pylle or Farrington Gurney for meat, as we have no local butcher anymore. Better quality by far than what you get in Tesco. One clincher is that water does not ooze out of the chicken when you cut it and the prices are comparable. Remember, it was not so long ago when Tesco were the discount store and it was embarrassing as a kid to be seen with a Tesco shopping bag. Times not really changed that much, have they.

In last week’s paper, we had the image of Councillor Marvin promoting the shops of the High St while at the same time knifing the traders in the back. Is he not able to recognise that Tesco are playing him like a puppet?

Tesco have had over 3 years to help promote the High St and only now have started to put up signage. Could it be because they want their Café to get through planning, so they force themselves to make this little effort? Just a shame they could not have tried harder, earlier? Maybe I am just too cynical or maybe it’s because when something looks dodgy, it generally is.

What is the betting that Tesco will now increase the parking restrictions so that we can all enjoy the shops in the High St once again. Of course, they probably won’t tell us what the real reason is. Could it be to give us all more time to spend our money in their new Café. Surely they would not take us for granted, would they?

I implore the Town’s people to continue to use any of the other Cafes in our Town and keep our High St going. It needs all the support it can get. It will not get it from the majority of our Town Councillors. It will certainly not get it from the District Councillors. I hope it will get it from the Towns people.

If you are of a like mind and do not like the idea of living in Tesco Mallet, then now is the time to do something about it. Tesco have an almost free reign to do as they please, to the extent that it has most of our Councillors dancing to its tune, nodding when they say nod. If like me, you really object to this, then write to the officer in charge at Mendip District Council and register your objection.

The officer is

Mr Les Kimberley

Planning Department

Mendip District Council

Cannards Grave Road

Shepton Mallet

BA4 5BT.

It is only you that can stop it. Our Councillors won’t.